Webinar on Somatic Ego State Therapy (SEST) – how to find your most resourceful and powerful ego state on a somatic level to strengthening the Self. Digital fagkveld om Somatic Ego State Therapy (SEST) – hvordan finne din mest ressursterke og kraftfulle egotilstand på et somatisk nivå for å styrke selvet.
Dato: 14. 05. 2024
Klokkeslett: 18:00 - 21:00 (6-9 PM Oslo time)

The Norwegian SE association is thrilled to invite members and non members to this webinar on Somatic Ego State Therapy (SEST).

Time and place

Zoom link, 14.05.2024 18:00 – 21:00 (6 PM – 9 PM Oslo time)

Zoom-link will be sent to your e-mail close to the event.


Price for members of the Norwegian SE-association: 500 NOK

Price for non members of the Norwegian SE-association: 800 NOK

Please note

Participants from abroad are only able to make payments via credit card. Inquiries regarding alternative payment methods will not be addressed.

About the event

The combination of SOMATIC EXPERIENCING® (SE) and EGO STATE THERAPY (EST) by Maggie Phillips, is called Somatic Ego State Therapy® (SEST). It is a creative and holistic approach, not only for a wide variety of problems, conflicts, symptoms and traumatic experiences, but can also be used to get access to one own’s potential –  to find and activate resources and  to strengthen the self. Through Somatic experiencing we address the nervous system. Having at the same time focus on personality traits (Ego States) opens up new possibilities for renegotiation and resolving on a deeper layer in our organisms.  This also creates more containment and embodiment. In this webinar Rachporn Sangkasaad, MSc. will give you an introduction to SEST. There will be some theory, exercises, a demo and time for discussion.

About Rachporn Sangkasaad

Rachporn Sangkasaad, MSc works in private practice as a psychological psychotherapist in Zurich, Switzerland. She is certified in Integrative Body Psychotherapy (Jack Lee Rosenberg)at the IBP Institute in Switzerland, where she also teaches. Her specialty is body-oriented trauma therapy. She is a teacher in SOMATIC EXPERIENCING© (Peter A. Levine) and teaches basic courses in SE based on Peter Levine. She is  a supervisor and certified trainer in EGO-STATE-THERAPY. She is a trainer in Eye Movement Integration EMI (Danie Beaulieau), Resource Therapy (Gordon Emmerson) and Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises© TRE (David Berceli), further certifications: SOMATIC EGO STATE THERAPY© (Maggie Phillips), Clinical Hypnosis (Milton Erickson), EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and in numerous body-oriented therapies. Rachporn Sangkasaad was co-founder and president of the Foundation for Somatic Experiencing© (SE) in the Netherlands (SEN) and is currently on the board of the European Association for Somatic Experiencing©(EASE). She is co-author of various professional articles in the Netherlands and teaches SE in various European countries.
